Local community guides for incredible events

Create a local community to share your interests on Communian. This site allows you to create a group and local events on any topic. Are you passionate about cycling? You can make a local cycling group and start organizing events! What are the benefits of local communities and how they help the human brain and soul? Friend Finder : even for the most outgoing, finding friends with whom you share a passion can pose a problem. Joining an interest group provides an immediate source of acquaintances, friends, and potential best friends — all of whom share your interests.

Huge interest based communities are local focused on Communian. Let’s take reddit for example: /r/youshouldknow Visiting /r/youshouldknow is like stepping into a portal of Reddit’s combined infinite wisdom concerning how to live well. You’ll find tips neatly organized into categories like finance, education, technology, travel, and food and drink. So what should you absolutely know? This simple way to clear your home of ants, a keyboard shortcut to pause YouTube videos no matter where on the page you last clicked, that you shouldn’t grow lilies if you have pet cats and where to watch Bob Ross’ Joy of Painting tutorials for free. /r/tipofmytongue Think of /r/tipofmytongue as a crowdsourced Shazam for movies, books, games and anything else your mind can forget the name of. One redditor found the name of a seaman’s ditty by posting this.

Communian is all about social connections. Create a social spot. Sometimes it can be difficult for employees to socialize because they don’t have an area in the office where they feel comfortable doing so. Creating a “social spot” for your employees will give them an area where they can decompress or socialize without distracting other colleagues. Consider repurposing an empty area at your company to create a Zen room or game room for employees to hang out over their breaks. If you don’t have a spare room to use, try setting up some chairs or couches by popular spots for socializing in the office – like the break room or the area by the water cooler. Utilize wellness challenges. Rather than focusing solely on wellness challenges at the individual level, start creating team wellness challenges. For example, a team walking challenge will challenge colleagues to come together and compete as a team to take more steps in one month than other departments. Daily walking clubs are another excellent idea that can also be used to encourage social connections.

One of the biggest threats to an entrepreneur’s success is becoming isolated and losing their imagination. A fast way to failure in the startup world is never learning how to evolve and adapt, something that is very difficult to learn on your own. There are countless stories of people who thrive early on, but isolate themselves from others and stagnate creatively as a result. Read extra details on Local events and communities.