Positivity apps

Best private goal tracking mobile applications: A phone app to keep you off your… phone? Believe it. It has a game-like quality: When you want to put down your phone, you’ll plant a “seed” in the app’s forest. As time goes by, the seed you planted will gradually grow into a tree. But, if you pick up your phone and leave the app, your tree will die. You can also earn rewards and unlock more than 30 new tree species to grow, share your forest and compete with friends and other users.

Simple Habit Tracker is a free app that helps you build positive habits routine and change your life, available on Android and iOS app developed by HighDream. It is specially designed for those who want to plan and build positive life-changing habits to enjoy a better life. The app comes as the alternative to Habit Tracker App and offers all the core features with some new features and tools that make it better than others. Simple Habit Tracker introduces a positive habit sample habit system with more than 200 simple habit ideas.

Vervo is a private and group goal tracking app. It’s the only free app platform connecting you with a community of goal-setters to share your goals. If you find yourself struggling with finding inspiration/motivation to work on your goals, Vervo can absolutely help you with that. Vervo is based on scientific evidence to help you track, commit, get motivation and achieve your goals. Everything is free. No Ads. No Fees. See even more details on Social groups app.

Facebook Messenger is among the most popular messenger apps. Facebook has two chat apps for this. The regular one includes all the features like chat heads, stickers, and other features. The Lite version is just a basic chat app with far fewer frills. Those heavily invested in the Facebook Messenger experience may want the regular app. However, those who don’t want to deal with Facebook’s nonsense should use the Lite version. Facebook is eventually introducing ads to these chat apps. However, they are otherwise free to use. Facebook had some security issues earlier in 2018. We don’t imagine the social network becoming irrelevant due to that, though. Many people will still use Facebook.

My wife and I started using the app right away to handle our daily achievements and kept going at it for about three months. We then looked back at how much we were able to organize and accomplish (even tho small goals), but we felt we were going in the right direction. That is when we decided that there might be other people who just don’t want to pay over $200/year on top of their bills to track and commit to their goals. Vervo was born shortly after with some help to make it presentable to the public and we made sure to never think of money when we release it to people. All we wanted was to hopefully help other human beings in their journey towards their daily or even life goals. This is personal for myself and wife and seeing others benefit from this would be a pleasure for us to have had helped another human being. See more info at vervoapp.com.