Breach of contract solicitor in UK

Shareholder agreement in UK with Some individuals review their Wills regularly ensuring that they amend them to take account of a change in family or personal circumstances. However, those that don’t may find that on their death their Wills may not reflect their own last wishes or the expectations of those they have left behind. There are a number of reasons one might wish to make a Deed of Variation, for example, to make provision for someone who was excluded from the Will, to take account of differences in the financial position of beneficiaries, or to simply pass assets on to the next generation. There may well be other financial reasons to consider. At Blackstone, we can help to ensure a Deed of Variation achieves the outcome you are looking for. It is imperative that you seek expert legal help as once a variation has been made it cannot be undone.

What should be included? The main areas you should think about including are as follows: Running the business: appointing, removing, remunerating directors; financing arrangements; banking arrangements; how directors will communicate with shareholders about performance; Good/Bad leaver clauses – set out terms of transfer of all or some of the shares of a departing director-shareholder to the remaining ones based on the reason for departure. If a founder is also employed as a director of the company, he or she has employment rights, which are quite separate to shareholder rights. Good leaver/bad leaver clauses provide a mechanism to tie the end of employment with the end of share ownership. Good leaver clauses provide incentives to founders who are important to the business to stay working in it until milestones are reached, while bad leaver clauses act as a deterrent to leaving early or breaching another contract (such as a director’s service agreement). Leavers of both types can be defined by actions as broadly or as narrowly as the shareholders like, with one being the remainder of actions that the other isn’t. Typically, actions that would define a good leaver would be.

The purchase of a new build home will also likely be impacted by the tight deadlines builders often impose. These might include a four-week deadline between the reserving of a property and the exchanging of contracts, for example. Buyers will often be required to commit to the purchase of a home and to sign various contracts. For requirements such as these, it is highly recommended you have an experienced legal team to ensure everything runs smoothly. We realise that buying a house is one of the biggest transactions you will ever go through, so we are committed to ensuring everything goes to plan. With new build properties, the steps to making a purchase can be significantly more complex, but with specialist help you’ll have the keys to your new home in no time.

Why are we better for you? We stand out from the crowd because we care about every case we take on, and doggedly fight to get the result that is fair and right. This is reflected in our ethos of passion and tenacity, which we follow at all times. We understand clients want a law firm to fight their corner every step of the way. We are: Passionate about each and every case, Willing to pursue what we think is right, Highly experienced in getting the right results for our clients, Highly academic – both in our background and our approach, Proud of the work we do. Find more info on transferring ownership of a house with mortgage.

What will I need to do during the rent recovery process? Blackstone Solicitors will perform the vast majority of work during the rent recovery process. We understand that chasing money can be exhausting and stressful, which is why we take appropriate steps to alleviate the burden. All we need from you are copies of: Property ownership documents, Details about the tenant, The tenancy contract, Evidence that you did not receive the money you are attempting to claim back, Evidence that the tenant left your property within the last six years.

There are a number of reasons why a Landlord or Tenant may want to end a commercial lease early. In any event, and notwithstanding the reason, there are steps that must be taken in order to ensure that the lease can be determined. Below we outline the reasons and the complications that can arise. Conduct would include delivering the keys to the Landlord and the Landlord accepting receipt so that the lease comes to an end. However, both options would require the Landlord to agree to the Tenant surrendering the lease. The Landlord may also ask for a payment to be made as ‘compensation’ for the loss of rental income. Similarly, if the Landlord wishes to determine a commercial lease early, it can ask the Tenant for a surrender. In this instance, the Tenant is not obliged to agree and may accept to surrender upon payment of a premium. Read additional info at