Best Kalimba instruments and teaching letters notation by

Top Kalimba instruments and learning songs with Now, considering that there are a whole range of Kalimbas to choose from, this is easier said than done. That’s why we’re here. We have gathered together the Top 10 Best Kalimba on the market, and have written this review to help you decide which one is the perfect Kalimba for you.

Our next 17 key Kalimba comes from Larkyueqi. It’s a high quality instrument with a mahogany body and vibrato holes to boost the sound. You can cover the holes with your fingers when playing to vary the sound any way you want. All in all, this Kalimba looks delicate and beautiful. To add to the brightness and color of its timbre, the makers of this instrument include adjustable springs in the Kalimba. These give the instrument a wonderfully rich sound that will really impress listeners. Now, this is probably the lightest Kalimba in our review, weighing in at 9.3 ounces. This could be slightly due to the fact that the tines are made from aluminum alloy. As you know, aluminum is lighter than carbon steel and most other metals. Although this produces really melodious sound, we still think that it doesn’t sound as good as a Kalimba with tines made from harder metals. But other than that, this sounds great.

Due to it has compact and personal construction, the most modern and professional ones even have inputs for amplification. The tuning of Kalimba is by interspersed notes, and on different scales, usually diatonic and pentatonic scales. Most Kalimba are tunes in International tuning of Standard C Major scale. The keys are arranged in an arpeggio shape. The chords are also possible when sliding the keys. Types of Kalimba Hollow Box Flat Board Acrylic Types of Kalimba: There are versions of the instrument that you can add resonators to add a touch of percussion. See more info at kalimba tabs.

Featuring manganese steel keys, the JDR Kalimba is designed to offer enhanced flexibility and toughness. Easy on the fingers and delivering a clear, crisp sound, the JDR Kalimba has impressed almost everyone who has tried it. Unlike some other kalimbas on the market, the JDR Kalimba has embossed notes and letters, so you won’t find that they wear off over time. The sound box is handmade from solid mahogany, with variable tree growth giving each instrument a unique grain and shading. At just $35, the JDR Kalimba retails at a great price, particularly given its high quality and exceptional performance. With faultless user reviews, it’s clear that the JDR Kalimba is a leader in the field.

This next has a solid wooden body hollowed and braced. It is tuned to an international standard C tuning and is rather non-traditionally shaped to resemble a bear with a nose shaped sound hole. Though it is a little tacky the circular shape of the main body is actually conducive to a good sound as it has better acoustics than the 90-degree angles in the other kalimbas we have chosen. Aklot does sell a trapezoidal model as well but we thought we would show an option which is a little kookier for a little variety in today’s reviews. It is well-constructed and has 17 steel tongue keys which are comfortably curved and have a good ring and timbre. It comes with a heavy duty watertight EVA case which is cushioned and custom designed to fit around the curvature of the piece. It also has a tuning hammer cleaning cloth, starters guide, and stickers. See extra details on