Debbie Johnson Angelic Messages or the growth of a psychic reading expert

The growth of a psychic reading expert : Debbie Johnson? Though the practice of Reiki has been steadily growing, many are still unsure about what it really is. Reiki is often known as energy healing, dealing with fields of universal energy (called qi, or “chi”) around the body. Reiki has been around for thousands of years, but started to take its modern shape in Japan during the late 1800s. This practice is known to reduce stress and pain, speed healing, and induce relaxation. Therefore, it is useful in treating not only physical, but also mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression, by helping you calm your nerves and achieve peace.

I know everyone talks about songs getting stuck in their head… but when you’re a medium it’s a whole different experience! Until you figure out who is sending the song ANGELS will put songs in our head to send a message to us- they usually time it so perfectly we hear it right when we need to hear it, and what we need to hear it. What song is in your head?

What Kind of Medium is Debbie Johnson? Debbie Johnson is one of the few mediums in Miami who can connect with the Angelic Realm. This means that she can communicate with Angels who want to help and guide human souls on earth. Angel Cards are the primary tool used for accessing this energy from Angelic beings, their messages conveyed through the interpretation of the cards pulled. These sessions aim to provide both insight to the issue or question you are asking about, guidance towards a solution, as well as encouragement to proceed down this path. See even more details regarding Debbie Johnson Angelic Messages.

Debbie not only delivers messages, she is able to see into the spirit and physical body if needed and channel powerful healing energy that clears blockages and entities that can sometimes be the cause of physical and mental illness. Debbie works with the Angelic Realm to bring healing, and it is safe and gentle for ALL. She is available for Readings that include clearing and healing via phone and Skype, as well as in person.

Meditation is perhaps the most commonly known form of spiritual healing, with many practicing it around the world. And now you can too, with professional help, in your own home, with Debbie Johnson’s Guided Meditation. The frequencies of certain sounds act like tuning forks for the human body. Each frequency resonates with a different body part, as well as different emotional states. When the body receives a sound at the right frequency, the energy from it transfers to your body and lines it up to the vibration it needs to heal.

Debbie Johnson is a medium who has been working with the angelic realm and clients all over the world for over 18 years. She brings messages from your angels to you by channeling Archangels, passed loved ones, spirit guides, and healing. Debbie’s Mission: “My DREAM…is to inspire every soul I can to listen to their heart without question and in doing so, raise the overall vibration and joy of the planet.”