Top cij printer supplier with Leadtech

Top cij printer supplier today? LEAD TECH Group has, for over eight years, has been focusing and committed to research, production, and sales of CIJ printer. To ensure quality assurance, our leadtech inkjet printers are manufactured according to the ISO standards and the strict national standards that regulate all manufacturing activities all over the nation. In production, every material information is of great importance. For instance, to ensure we manufacture and sell low priced printers and still maintain high quality, the Cij printer producers have embraced strict cost-effective production, which in turn promotes highly profitable production. This ensures our final products are affordable and offer the best printing services. Read additional details at cij printer. The correct use of ink. The quality of the ink directly affects the use of the nozzle, and it is serious. We should pay attention to the following points. Second, it is better to use the ink recommended by the CIJ printer manufacturer, because these inks are rigorously tested and continuous improvement, there is a certain guarantee for the equipment. Second, do not add any substance to the ink at will, and pay attention to check whether the ink has expired. As a strict chemical, ink also has an expiration date. If the ink expires, it should be purchased as soon as possible. Otherwise, the print quality cannot be guaranteed. Third, check whether the viscosity of the ink is normal. The ink of the printer is very important. The viscosity of the ink has a great influence on the normal use of the CIJ printer. Fourth, the machine should check the liquid level of ink and solvent in time during use. When it is low, it must be added in time according to the procedure.

The continuous inkjet printer has almost become a common equipment in the production line of the food and beverage industry. For customers, it is crucial to choose the corresponding technology and ink to design a coding solution that meets their own production materials and production environment. Let’s talk about the application of the continuous inkjet printer in the beverage industry. The production environment of the beverage industry is more complex, and the labeling requirements are also different. The logo of the beverage industry has very specific and strict requirements in law. In addition to the bar code on the outer packaging box, the production date, the shelf life of the beverage and the batch number, etc. should be clearly read by consumers, and at the same time it must be consistent with the overall appearance on the packaging box. The code should be clear to the shipper and distributor.

The UV Laser Marking Machine is composed of a software control system, a computer control system, an optical system, a workbench, etc. Control system: The control system controls the operation of the entire equipment, including the power supply and control of the optical system components and the cooling system, and the control and indication of the alarm system. Computer control system: The computer control system includes a computer, a digital galvanometer card, and drives the optical system components to operate according to the parameters set by the marking control software, and emits a pulsed laser, so as to accurately etch the content to be marked on the surface of the processed object . The control system has a full Chinese interface, compatible with files exported by AUTOCAD, CORELDRAW, PHOTOSHOP and other software. It can be marked with barcodes, QR codes, graphics and text. It supports PLT, PCX, DXF, BMP, AI and other file formats. Using SHX, TTF font, can automatically encode, print serial number, batch number, date, etc.

For example, among all kinds of foods we usually come into contact with, the manufacturer needs to mark the production date and shelf life and food production license number and other product information on the product packaging, and these information are usually printed using small characters. The CIJ printer can be used for coding. Not only in the food industry, the use of CIJ printers in pharmaceutical industry is also very common. As we all know, national regulatory authorities have always attached great importance to the supervision of drugs. In addition to the production date, expiration date and batch number, electronic supervision codes and other information must be printed on drugs. Currently, drug traceability codes are actively being promoted. Applied to our small character CIJ printer equipment.

As one of the top ten brands in the logo industry, LEADTECH has been focusing on health lighting for 10 years, with the logo industry and related areas of the logo platform as its core business. With our precise strategic positioning and excellent execution efficiency, LEADTECH has maintained rapid growth. Product advantages: easy to use, high quality, high reliability. In the aspect of system design, the simple operation of the system makes you forget the existence of operation manual. In the aspect of product structure design, modular integrated design makes maintenance simple. The overall characteristics of our products are simple, easy to use, durability and high performance stability. Find extra information at