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Electrical parts info aggregation platform info details by Easybom? Easybom, an international integrated service provider for the electronics industry, persists in pursuing the concept of “win-win”. Dedicated to providing electronic component big data information services that are maintained by senior industry engineers, easybom has established an excellent communication platform for merchandisers, suppliers, and engineers through our powerful electronic component search engine. Easybom will keep focusing on the leverage of our high-quality services for data mining and information matching. Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core. Discover even more information on electrical parts.

Orthogonal frequency division multiple access OFDMA: Friends who are familiar with Wi-Fi should know that the empty port of Wi-Fi adopts orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation, that is, the whole bandwidth is composed of orthogonal subcarriers. In Wi-Fi 6, the 802.11 working group introduced OFDMA access from LTE. The addition of such an “A” word can be said to have brought a qualitative change to the network capacity. As shown in the figure on the left below, Wi-Fi 5-based OFDM can only allocate all the bandwidth in the channel to one user at any one time, even if that user’s data needs do not need to take up all the bandwidth. When other users connect to the network, they need to wait for the next sending opportunity window (TXOP). This is very inefficient in the use of channel resources, especially when there is a significant increase in equipment.

Then, as demand for cars picks up in the fall of 2020, Toyota Denso Renesa plans to order 28nm semiconductors from TSMC again, but there is no room to produce in-car semiconductors because TSMC lines are occupied by other semiconductors. Although the inventory in the autumn and winter of 2020 exceeded the limit, by 2021, inventory had bottomed out, coupled with the shortage of 28nm semiconductors, cars could not be made. 28nm is the last generation of planar transistors (FinFET from 16 / 14nm to 3D) (2) do not use self-aligned double pattern (SADP) (will use SADP from FinFET) (3) Renesas vertical integration (integrated equipment manufacturer IDM), for example, outsource production to FinFET from this generation. In short, 28nm semiconductors produced by TSMC and other contract factories have a good performance-to-price ratio, so many electronic devices, including automobiles, use this semiconductor. At the invitation of the Japanese government, the TSMC Kumamoto plant, which will begin operation in 2024, will also mainly produce such 28nm semiconductors.

SoC (SystemonChip): refers to a system on a chip, that is, integrating multiple electronic systems into a single chip, which can process digital signals, analog signals, and even mixed signals, and is often used in embedded systems. SoC is a system-level chip, which has the characteristics of high integration of MCU and supercomputing power of MPU, that is, it has built-in RAM and ROM and is as powerful as MPU. The SoC can store and run system-level code, that is, it can run an operating system (mainly LinuxOS). It can be compared in this way: MCU is only a chip-level chip, while SoC is a system-level chip. It integrates the advantages of MCU and MPU, that is, it has built-in RAM and ROM and is as powerful as MPU.

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