Excellent Among Us game guides right now

Excellent Among Us game advices? There are certain tasks that have visual effects, which can prove that you or other players are NOT the Impostors. Since Impostors can’t actually perform any tasks, watching someone else do them is definitive proof of their innocence. In the case of Empty Garbage, the visible part of the task is the second one, when you need to travel to Storage to empty the garbage. Once completed, you can see the trash shooting out into space. There’s only one visible task in Mira HQ, which is MedBay: Submit Scan. In this case, the visual elements are exactly the same as in Skeld. There are certain tasks in the game that are shared among all players. That is, if you have it, every other player will have it as well. In this sense, the common tasks are often a prime risk of ambushes by the Impostor, who could be hiding in one of the corresponding rooms, waiting for someone to come perform one of these. If you must complete some of these, try to bring a friend along so he can watch your back. Discover more information at among us game.

Sabotage during the kill cooldown time if it is long: After a kill, if you have 20 or more seconds before you can kill again, use that time to sabotage (after escaping to a safe location, of course). That way, you distract every crew member into fixing the damage. What benefits does it have? After a sabotage, most crew members (and the smart impostors too) try to rush to the location and as an impostor, you can find another victim after the cooldown.

All four maps available in Among Us provide the ability for Imposters to use vents to their advantage. While the movement for Imposters is limited, it can still be used for hunting Crewmates effectively. Having said that, if players don’t use vets with caution, it can also lead to getting ejected by other players. Therefore, it is important to know when to use these vents and how to make them a viable tool against other players. It can be difficult for new players to get the hang of the Vent system in the game. It’s important to learn how to use this system successfully and without drawing suspicion, as Venting is visible to anyone in the vicinity and can quickly get an Imposter ejected from Among Us. Here’s everything to know about Venting and how to do so successfully in Among Us.

Playing in a group doesn’t mean that you have should trust all crew members blindly. Keep an eye on them and ensure they complete all the tasks. These tasks take time and are reflected in the taskbar. Keep track of crewmates who aren’t completing any tasks. Also, watch out for those who are found at the place of kill more than once. Visual tasks will help you find your true crew member. The visual tasks will help you see who is performing the tasks and this way you’ll get to know who is your “true” crewmates and not an imposter. It can also be beneficial for you to prove your innocence in an emergency meeting.

For the imposters to win the game, they have to act like the crew and avoid raising any kind of suspicion. Being a good crewmate requires you to be perceptive and communicative. We have listed some ways which can help you win the game as an imposter or as a detective crewmate; all you need is to find out who is murdering and acting suspiciously. If you are moving with your crewmates, the imposters will not be able to assassinate you. Your priority is to avoid getting killed. If there is more than one imposter, you will need to move around in a group of five to avoid getting killed. But you also need to remember that imposters can multi-kill if they start working together. You need to look out for events which planned to deliberately kill crewmates in order to break the group.