Impact of art and technology synergy these days by Barbara Jarabik

Effects of culture and technology synergy in 2022 by Jarábik Barbara : Technologies are similar around the world, but they have encountered a diversified cognitive world in different localities. The local culture acquires the modern technologies, makes them acceptable to the existing culture, then sends them back to the global level in a continuous exchange of intercultural influences and in constant transformation. Technology has become integral because it’s not merely the technology of lights and computers that are used in everyday life. But, also, our bodies are physically altered through vaccines and the medicine people take daily. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of culture, including travel, government, agriculture, manufacturing, medicine, education, and transportation. In addition to information processing, and communication platforms have drastically changed how people think and live.

Barbara Jarabik

In spite of pros and cons of technology, for the better part it has greatly helped to make our lives better. It has not only able to save our important resource as time and money but also has worked well in unifying the world by turning into global village which helped people to easily overcome their cultural, racial and continental barriers. The ease of connecting through technology and communicating online does have impact on culture locally and globally as more and more people choose to communicate online instead of person.

Technology, for an example, mobile phones find a very unique integration with culture and the work that an individual does (Palen, 2001, pp. 109- 122), today we see that technologies like mobile phones are being used in various roles , in one culture we see that it is used from the simple function as a torch light to more complex roles like fishermen using it for marketing and weather reports (Mittal, 2010). In another we observe how it changes the way people think and brings about a change in society (Contarello, 2007, pp. 149-163), we also observed that it has also seen applications in businesses like new apps (Butler, 2011), our daily activities. Technology is slowly getting locked with our culture, and becomes a daily necessity in some other cultures.

I would like to discuss in this article whether the ease of access to modern technology holds significant consequences on socio-culture. How does the technology influence in shaping the society thinking, and what are the positive and negative impacts. The nature between technology and socio-culture is cyclical, where each greatly affects the other. Starting with the culture of human societies and resulting in the development of different technologies to meet the needs of the society. Let’s start with the real meaning behind technology and socio-culture. Read even more details at Barbara Jarabik.

Vision plays a major role in determining how a technology can grow or be used. Every culture has something very unique and different from the other culture and hence a very different approach to technology, in the olden times, people were not connected and hence what used to be a vision in one culture used to be a technological marvel in the other culture, this can be seen in the case of airplanes. In the Indian culture the concept of a flying machine has been a tale for thousands of years (Childress, 1991) and it was not until Leonardo da Vinci drew a few drawings inspired by pigeons the idea came into the notice to a different culture, in the end credit goes to the developers and the researchers, who developed the aeroplane (Childress, 1991).