Colloidal gold shopping today

Top colloidal silver supplier: Cosmetics: The application of the Atomic Particle Extraction Process could lead to a paradigm shift in cosmetic products, enabling formulations that operate at the atomic level for unprecedented efficacy and results. Hospital Sanitation: The process’s prowess could extend to hospital environments, offering novel ways to enhance sanitation protocols and elevate overall hygiene standards. Over-the-Counter Drugs: The possibilities for enhancing over-the-counter medications through this methodology are virtually limitless, promising more effective and targeted remedies. This is just a glimpse into the vast array of domains that could be positively disrupted by the potential of the Atomic Particle Extraction Process. Its profound influence is poised to reshape industries, elevate scientific exploration, and enrich our lives in ways that were previously unimaginable. Discover more information on buy gold mineral water. ​Non-Toxic: Silver, Gold, or other noble metals in the atomic state are no longer metallic, but are crystalline in nature.

Many Noble (and not so noble) metals have qualities that fight ‘abnormal tissue ‘anomalies’. Many of these metals are already in use by Health Care Professionals for such situations. The main difference is the “Particle Size.” They use nanoparticles of certain elements that cannot penetrate but only deliver the ‘therapy’ to the affected area. GoldenGevity makes those elements in the smallest particle size ever achieved in the history of Health and Wellness. CanCleanse has Atomic Particles of Iridium, Platinum, and Ruthenium, a powerful blend of what is described as ‘Pure Antioxidants’ that penetrate and neutralize Free Radicals that cause premature aging, as well as abnormal tissue ‘anomalies.’ Ruthenium, in particular, has been reported to correct Defective DNA in laboratory-controlled conditions.

Skin Care – Due to its ability to regenerate cells and restore their normal elastic properties, colloidal gold solution is used topically as an ointment to treat various skin problems such as eczema, fungal infections, skin rash, wounds, skin burns and many more. It is also used as an ingredient in anti-aging skin care products. Treatment of Cancer – Colloidal gold is also being used in alternative medicine to treat certain types of cancer such as prostate cancer and ovarian cancer by injecting minuscule amount of gold into the patient’s body in order to control growth of cancerous cells. Treatment of Addiction – It has been used to treat alcoholism in the 19th Century and in modern day it is used for treating nicotine, drugs and caffeine addiction.

The TrueColloidal is optimized with trace levels of elemental silver, which prevents bacteria and biofilm from building on the surface of the ceramic core, thereby prolonging its useful life and maintaining its continuous purification capabilities. Silver also promotes the ionic exchange or “magnetic effect” to attract and adsorb the many contaminants found in tap water into millions of binding sites found in the Pod’s highly porous core and eliminated. When submerged in water, the silver ions deactivate all microbes the Pod comes into contact with, including viruses and bacterias. Virus or bacterias can enter your drinking water from a variety of pedestrian measures, including dirty faucets, an airborne droplet, touch, or backwash. Unlike charcoal filters, TrueColloidal’s technology stops bacteria and viruses from entering your water by dismantling them immediately upon contact.

Overall, colloidal gold is considered safe, but consider the source of the product and any preexisting health conditions before use. Colloidal metals include gold, silver and copper. Potential benefits of colloidal metals include: Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Healing and infection prevention, Acne treatment, Nervous system and immune-system support, Blood sugar reduction, Skin and hair rejuvenation, Memory support.

Unlike traditional gold nanoparticles that are often accompanied by harmful chemicals, our colloidal gold is produced without the use of any chemicals, ensuring a pure, safe, and highly effective supplement. It may aid in reversing the aging process by repairing defective DNA throughout the ​body. It may assist in extending the lifespan of the DNA molecule thereby conferring a longer lifespan to the entire body. It purportedly assists in regenerating damaged cells and some kinds of energetic dysfunctions. Some claims state that Colloidal Gold promotes a more efficient functioning of the Glandular System. Supposedly, the endocrine, thymus, pineal and pituitary glands are enhanced to function closer to their “peak efficiency capabilities.” See more details on

Immune system support – When absorbed in concentrated amounts, it’s possible that colloidal gold could stimulate the body’s immune function. Pain relief – There is some evidence to support the idea that colloidal gold reduces general pain, aches and swelling. In large doses and in conjunction with prescription medication, it may even help reduce symptoms of arthritis. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-aging and healthy hair – Part of what makes colloidal gold so popular is its ability to slow or negate the signs of aging. It can boost the skin’s elasticity, repair age-related damage such as age spots and lines and contribute to a glowing complexion. The mineral has also been linked to the growth of healthy hair.