Oral surgery dentist Harley Street London

Dental implants dentist London: Can restorative dental procedures also offer cosmetic benefits? The procedures outlined above are strictly cosmetic in nature. But sometimes, restorative dentistry treatments, which repair teeth, can also improve the appearance of your smile. For example, if you repair a cracked tooth with a dental crown, it not only improves the health and function of your smile, but also its appearance. Similarly, dental braces aim to improve your bite and your overall oral health. But braces also improve the aesthetics of your smile dramatically. What is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure? Teeth whitening is the most common cosmetic dental procedure. It allows people to make noticeable improvements to their smile without undergoing invasive treatments. Find more details at wisdom teeth removal Marylebone.

Cosmetic Tooth Bonding – Bonding is a process in which tooth-colored materials are adhered (bonded) to the tooth. This is a procedure that can be used to conceal imperfections like chips and cracks or improve the appearance of a tooth that has been badly stained. Bonding requires very little tooth preparation, so it can be a fast and inexpensive way to repair minor tooth flaws. During the bonding procedure, your dentist will prepare a composite resin matched to the color of your teeth. They will then apply the material to the surface of the tooth and shape it until the imperfection has been covered. The resin will also be polished so it will have a more natural appearance.

You may be able to get rid of superficial stains by yourself. A number of at-home tooth-whitening products — kits, strips, toothpastes, and rinses– may lighten stains. There are even some old-fashioned remedies you can try. Tooth-whitening products available on drugstore shelves use mild bleach to brighten yellow teeth. Toothpastes use abrasives and chemicals to remove surface stains. For deep stains, you may need a dentist’s help.

We are a long established dental practice since 2001, with our current team of expert and caring dentists being the third generation of dentists working from these beautiful suites at 75 Harley Street, London. Our team have achieved the very highest accolades and qualifications for their specialities and their academic levels are recognised internationally. All the team have an amazing passion for dentistry with continued learning by being involved in teaching and lecturing, holding or having held posts in the most respected academic establishments as lecturers and researchers. Our team combines the best current research with proven knowledge and years of clinical expertise which allows them to combine their skills when offering our patients the very best dental solutions. See even more details on Harley Street dental.

Drink plenty of water. Water is the healthiest drink for your smile and your body. It helps flush teeth clean and discourages tooth decay. Tap water is the best choice as it has the recommended dosage of fluoride. Many times bottled water comes from a source where the fluoride levels are not monitored, or contain no fluoride at all. A healthy level of fluoride promotes tooth health and discourages decay. Frequent consumption of acidic or sugary drinks can increase decay rates dramatically. Athletes are quickly becoming an at-risk group as the effects of sports drinks take a toll on their teeth.

A large number of cases involving headaches, muscle spasms and pain in the jaw are a dental problem. If your teeth don’t close together properly, are heavily worn, crowns are constantly breaking, you have ringing in your ears and difficulty in opening or closing your mouth, you may well be suffering from TMJ problems. The medical and dental profession are becoming increasingly aware of the intricate relationship between proper bite and the muscles and nerves of the jaw joint. A very delicate balance must occur in the chewing system for total harmony, comfort and stability.