Fast single mailbox for all email ids solution by MutantMail

Best all in one mailbox solutions today? Perfect Solution! I have several email addresses I need to log into and check on a regular basis, Mutantmail will cut that work for me by over half. I could not have imagined a better solution than Mutantmail. Setup was so simple that I was sure I didn’t do it right! Mutantmail is now just a part of who I am and what I do. Read additional info at Mutant Mail. Pricing: Despite being an innovative and unique solution, we are Cheaper than fin. Infact you can start Free with us, and our highest plan cost less than Starbucks Coffee.

Do you mind explain Recipient Email IDs? Recipient Email IDs mean the destination or control email id, where actual emails will be stored. This will be the inbox from where you receive, reply or send your email (can be Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail or anything else) outside the Mutant Mail system. Mutant Mail acts as a routing system in between your recipient email id and your destination email id, to ensure when you hit reply email is received by user coming from your domain and not from the control inbox. From field will be your domain’s email id always. If you want to set the name for your email ids, it can be set in the settings option.

Use Feedback loop and monitor bounce: Email marketers have to be careful not to let their campaigns fall into the spam trap. One of the few things you can do to help avoid this is using a feedback loop and monitoring bounce rates. Bounce rates are a good indicator of whether or not your email is being delivered to the correct address. If you’re seeing high bounce rates, it’s likely that your email is being flagged as spam. Bounce are of two types, Hard bounce and Spam bounce . Hard bounce means the email was attempted to be delivered to a non-existing email address. These are the worst kind of bounce and a meager <2% of hard bounce is enough to ruin your sending reputation.

Can I keep using my domain on Google Workspace (G-Suite)? At a time only one server can accept mailbox related to any domain. But there is a workaround. You can have your main domain associated with mutant mail and a subdomain associated with your Google Workspace(G-Suite). That way Mutant Mail can route all admin, legal, anything @ to your G-Suite And of course, when you will reply to those emails from your subdomain, your domain email id will be shown to the recipient and not your subdomain.

A far better solution exists : Solution is Mutant Mail. It's one of the best innovation in email world, that comes with enhanced email forwarding. In nutshell, every email id associated with Mutant Mail can be replied via your recipient email id, and your client's will never see/find your recipient email id. Another one we clearly see is your username (name) is always attached when using a plus sign (+), so anyone can figure out your real email id. But most challenging issue of using email plus sign (+) trick is, how do you reply with exact same email id? You just can't. There are many reasons why using an email id with Mutant Mail is better than email plus sign (+). First and foremost, Mutant Mail provides more security and privacy for your email communication. With Mutant Mail, your recipient email id is completely masked and cannot be read by anyone. Read more details on

Can I add a domain while using it for hosting website somewhere else along with Mutant Mail? Absolutely. If you have a custom domain say and you are using it to host a website somewhere else e.g. Godaddy or Namecheap then you can simply update the MX and TXT records to use it simultaneously with MutantMail for email. Can I add a domain while using it for email somewhere else? It depends. If you are using same domain for sending at other provider or system (like autoresponder or send email from hosting), you can use Mutant Mail along side it. But if you want to have couple of email ids going to your existing inbox and rest routed via Mutant Mail, than that’s not possible.